
Our Innovations

With over 20 patents, copyrights, and trademarks, we are here to help you solve your problems, better manage your resources and improve your environment with smart, beautiful technology that works. We are here to show you what is possible and help make your dreams a reality.


-- Connected Technologies

Originated in the #LightMySTL challenge, Xanthon™ was developed by the founders of Labyrinth, Ted and John Stegeman, as an Internet of Things(IoT) system that controlled the street and decorative lights in downtown St. Louis. Now, the Xanthon ™ Connected Technologies controls and communicates with millions of devices, including lighting, sensors, and more. Sharing power and wireless network, the modular IoT devices are managed by Xanthon™ software, reducing device creep and allowing seamless future integrations and installations. The software utilizes innovative design patterns to support IoT device provisioning, edge processing, data collection, real-time control and monitoring.

Xanthon™ Website Coming Soon


-- Turn On The Color

After the successful Xanthon Internet of Things(IoT) project in downtown St. Louis, we received many positive comments and inquiries about the colorful LED branding strips from companies, municipalities, and other organizations. As a result, Labyrinth made Chroma™ LED strips and its control platform a standalone brand. The lighting-focused connected technologies brand, Chroma™, offers state-of-the-art programmable LED strips, proprietary connectivity hardware, and an intuitive user software interface to customers who want to make their brand shine. This engineered solution will fit any scale project, whether a small parking lot or a large city, to give our customers maximum flexibility while building their IoT grid.

Visit Chroma™


-- Edge Infrastructure

After working with municipalities, utilities, and carriers on city contracts, Velturis™ realized that many cities require a solution to bridge the existing infrastructure with the ever-changing technologies, particularly in utility, telecommunication, and data technologies. Velturis™ builds this bridge with industrial reliability and modern innovations, while preserving the cities' unique aesthetics. Currently, Velturis™ facilitates next-generation communication technology deployment in U.S. cities.

Atropos Composites™

-- Material + Process

In search of the lightest and strongest materials for Velturis™ Edge Infrastructure, we came upon composites but failed to find a manufacturer who could produce up to Velturis™'s standard. Therefore, Atropos Composites™ was founded to provide design and fabrication for Labyrinth Technologies™ and its market silos. Atropos Composites™ is currently working on expanding its product offering to outside markets.

Atropos Composites™ Website Coming Soon

T.H.I.S. is what we do.

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At Labyrinth Technologies, we are creating a highly flexible engineering and operational culture that promotes and incubates innovation. Inter-disciplinary projects, hands-on rapid prototyping, cutting-edge tech product testing, and many more engineering activities have led Labyrinth Technologies to success and will continue to fuel our creative problem-solving in many more opportunities to come.